Il territorio

The greenness of the valleys and the big spaces of the tablelands offer to the outdoor sport-lovers a natural and resourceful gym.

The net of paths you can find on Mount Pasubio and in the whole valley is very vast and they are used for long and more or less difficult walks, that allow you to identify yourself with the depth of the nature. They are near the Hotel and, among them, we can mention the path E5 (Constance-Lake - Adriatic), the path of the peace and the path of 52 tunnels, that crosses the whole front line of the First World War.

At a distance of two kilometres from Pian delle Fugazze-Pass, at the top of the Bellavista-Hill, we can find the Ossuary and the War Museum, that contain the remains of a hard-fought history.

To the trekking-lovers our valley offers a lot of chances, and both the more skilled sportsmen and the beginners will find here the most suitable way for them. At a distance of four kilometres from the Hotel, in a place called Piano, in a completely naturale lake, you can enjoy yourself with the sportfishing. This place, bathed in the greenness, offers a fantastic view of the Speccheri-Dam, the crystal-clear waters of which reflect the enchanting beauty of the mountains.

The good situation of the Hotel allows its guest to enjoy the most enchanting views and to have fun in every season. In the summer, both the excursionists and also those who are a bit lazier can find what they want; they can take a walk or simly lie down on the grass under the flowers. In the winter, near the Hotel, not far from here, a cross-country ski piste. In the remaining seasons, the nature offers a lot of beautiful chances; you can go mushrooming, watch roes, chamois, hares, dormice, squirrels and birds of prey like sparrowhawks and buzzards; if you are lucky, you can even see the golden eagle, that nested on Mount Pasubio once.

The flower-lovers can visti a botanic garden near the Hotel, that allow them to see a lot of plants now extinct. Recently, the so-colled "primula Vallarsae" has been found, a primrose unique in the world, that grows only in the Alpe di Campogrosso-area.